Even if bankruptcy doesn't happen, the threat of it will mean people will willingly agree to the next best thing- a Summary Instalment Order.
You can think of this as a form of bankruptcy lite but with less stigma. KiwiSaver will still get drained.
The Government's logic is undeniable. If you borrow money, you should pay it back. There's no special reason why money you've put in a KiwiSaver account should be excluded.
And yet, my heart aches at the thought.
Debt traumas will be that little bit worse. There will be no such thing as unsecured debt. Everything will be ultimately "secured" against KiwiSaver.
Remember, some people fail on their home loans because they have really bad luck.
We've constructed a fairly merciless society with unstable work and huge mortgages. There's more scope for really bad luck than there used to be.
Bankers have been big winners from Government policy which has contributed to the huge run-up in our collective mortgage debt ($220 billion and counting). This law wouldn't upset them either.
For ordinary people, it would make taking on debt even more serious than it is now.
My thoughts on debt are these.
Take on as little consumer debt as humanly possible. Debt is only for important stuff. That's buying a home, starting a business and buying a modest car.
Things like holidays and TVs should be bought out of savings. If you can't save for them, do without.
When you have debt, you should be working hard to kill it as fast as possible, and make sure you have adequate insurance.
When you are in debt, you have given other people power over you and your loved ones.
If this law passes, you'll be giving them power over your KiwiSaver account too.
- Debt is only for important things
- Consumer debt will keep you poor
- Doing without a flash TV won't kill you