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Real Estate Investar Editor

Real Estate Investar provides intelligent software, tools and data to help you save time and make money in the residential property investment market.

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Goodman in $NZ206m office sell-off

Goodman Property Trust will sell three of its Auckland offices for $NZ206 million ($A196.98 million) to reduce debt. New Zealand's second-biggest listed property investor will sell its two Millennium office estates on Great South Road in Greenlane and the adjoining Yellow HQ building to local investor Oyster Management.

NZ lenders prosecuted over repossessions

Two New Zealand companies who illegally repossessed homes while calling in debts have been found guilty of more than 100 charges between them. The NZ Commerce Commission brought charges against Budget Loans Limited and Evolution Finance Limited after 21 borrowers were misled about their consumer rights.

NZ house prices hit record in five regions

New Zealand's national house prices rose again in June, as five regions hit record highs. The median national sale price jumped 11 per cent to $NZ500,000 ($A471,342) in June from a year earlier, while the number of properties sold advanced 6 per cent to 7,864, according to the Real Estate Institute. Compared with May, the median price slipped 1.2 per cent while the volume dropped 13 per cent, in line with seasonal trends heading into winter, the Institute said.

NZ house prices up, but rate of rise eases

Property prices across New Zealand have hit a record high, but in good news for buyers the price increases are slowing down. The average asking price for a home reached a high of $NZ590,850 ($A565,460) in June, more than $NZ46,000 than the same time last year, according to the Trade Me Property Price Index.

NZ Labour rolls out housing reform plans

New Zealand's opposition Labour party says it will change Housing NZ from a state-owned corporation to a public service entity and use the dividends it pays government to build new state houses. Labour leader Andrew Little said the announcement on Saturday in Wellington was the second of three on housing policy by the party.

NZ housing market could pose `real risks'

The New Zealand Reserve Bank has signalled it could introduce further restrictions on investor borrowing in the housing market by the end of the year. Deputy governor Grant Spencer says the bank is concerned about financial stability and is closely considering measures to contain what it sees as a growing risk caused by high house prices and increased borrowing.

Dotcom's former mansion in NZ sold

After more than four months on the market, Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom's former mansion in New Zealand has finally sold. The lavish 12-bedroom, English-style mansion in Coatesville is infamous as the site of an early-morning police raid on Dotcom in 2012.

Complaint against Meridian rejected but sparks review

Households on a plan that passes on wholesale rates could have paid an extra $20 for their power that night. The Electricity Authority said it had investigated and decided that the incident was not an "undesirable trading situation" - a situation that threatens confidence in the wholesale market.

REV buys NZ property seller

Online investment services provider Real Estate Investar Group has bought The Property Factory for NZ$550,000 (A$527,000).

IRD urged to lift veil of secrecy over big company tax

Inland Revenue is under pressure from Labour and a top academic to lift its veil of secrecy on big company tax matters. Labour revenue spokesman Stuart Nash said experts believed New Zealand was missing out on $1 billion to $7b of tax.

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