The positive cash flow property investment strategy involves seeking out properties where monthly income exceeds holding costs.
This will generate surplus cash flow for you pre-tax.
Positive cash flow investing is generally contrasted with negative gearing, where the income returns do not offset holding costs, and the investor uses the tax treatment of the loses to their advantage.
Proponents of the positive cash flow strategy point to the advantages of owning income-generating assets, including having access to an extra income stream month to month.
As in any business, cash flow is equal to income less expenses.
The calculation of monthly expenses begins with the monthly mortgage repayments. These in turn will depend upon the size of your initial equity stake, and the interest rate on your loan.
You can learn more about the typical costs associated with holding investment properties in this blog post.
There is then a list of other expenses that need to be taken into account including:
It is a common mistake to overlook these additional expenses, and only compare the rental return against mortgage repayments.
This figure can be misleading, especially on properties where relatively high rents are offset by higher than average maintenance costs.
While property income is relatively predictable, elements of the holding costs can be more difficult to lock down. Maintenance costs can be substantial on older properties, so research what these will be as part of your due diligence process.
For many the only way this will occur is to buy a property in a high rental yield area or to wait until enough of the loan is paid off and for rental yields to rise over time.
Taking out a smaller loan as a percentage of the purchase price (e.g. at a 60% LVR instead of 80-90%) can ensure immediate positive cash flow surpluses.
The property however, can still be negatively geared for tax purposes after deducting depreciation, which is a tax-deductible expense albeit a non-cash cost.
You can learn more about how to find high yielding investment property in this blog article or watch this quick video.
For some real estate investors, the cash flow they yield from an investment property will determine their ability to obtain that property in the first instance.
The old adage for rental return was to ensure the rental yield was 10% of the loan costs per annum.
Yielding a decent cash flow from your property investment is the key ingredient to investment longevity, and for some investors, a necessity from the outset.
As a general rule if you are pursuing this strategy, you want the highest rental yield possible, when compared to the loan value on the property.
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